
Sophi Vaughan
Acorns Class Teacher
Shannon Edwards
Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Welcome to Acorns

Hello and welcome to Acorns EYFS class page.

We are excited to show you what we are up to in Reception and Preschool this term.

PE Days

PE for this half term will be on a Monday and forest school on a Wednesday. Children can come to school in their PE kit on this day.

Forest School

Forest School will be on a Wednesday. Please come dressed in PE kit and bring waterproofs and wellies on this day.

In Autumn 1 2024 we are learning all about ‘My family’. We will be learning about our own families, our community and people who help us.

Please see our curriculum overview for Autumn 1 by clicking below:

Preschool-Reception-Learning-Overview-Aut 1 24

We have had a fantastic first week in Acorn class. We have settled into the school routines and have formed fantastic friendships already! We loved sharing our Chatterbags from home with the class and learning all about each other.

We all enjoyed our first Forest school session of the new year in Acorns learning about how the leaves are changing and about different animals that live in the woods. We also loved the rope swing too!

We loved having our parents in this week for the phonics workshop!

In Summer 2 we are learning all about ‘Beside the Seaside’. We will be learning about seaside’s in the past, animals and their habitats, what it is like by the sea and having a very special beach experience day!

Please see our curriculum overview for Summer 2 by clicking below:

Preschool & Reception Learning Overview Summer 2

The children loved our seaside themed day with ice creams, paddling pool and games.

We visited the Church as part of our RE learning on special places in our community.

In Summer 1 we are learning all about ‘Growing.’ We will be learning about life cycles, plants, gardens and the great outdoors!

Please see our curriculum overview for this term by clicking below:

Preschool & Reception Learning Overview Summer 1

This week the children have enjoyed planting seeds and have been learning all about the life cycle of a plant.

We have enjoyed learning all about hedgehogs this week for national hedgehog awareness week. We made hoglets out of clay.

In Maths we have been learning about grouping and sharing. We have enjoyed grouping chocolate buttons onto Gingerbread men. Yummy!

We are super proud to have been awarded Silver award from the RSPB for our hard work at Forest school and Bronze award for the Green Tree award for all of our fantastic tree planting we have been busy with this term!

We had a wonderful dinosaur themed day in Willow and Acorn class for International Dinosaur day. We made dinosaur fossils, ate dinosaur toast, made dinosaur hats, created dinosaur art work and had a very special visit from a Dino Ranger from Hoo zoo who brought with her lots interesting fossils as well as two real baby dinosaurs!


In Spring 2 our topic was ‘On an adventure’ which entailed learning about Superheroes, pirates, maps, different parts of the world and also included the special events of Pancake day, Mother’s day and Easter.

We are very proud to have been awarded our Bronze award from the RSPB this term for all of our hard work at Forest school! Striving for Silver now!

We have enjoyed tasting Mr Wolf’s pancakes in Acorns today!  We have been learning all about the story of Mr Wolf’s pancakes by Jan Fearnley and writing list of the ingredients that Mr Wolf needs for his pancakes. They tasted delicious!

We learnt all about the story Supertato for World Book day, we made our own characters.

We enjoyed an exciting adventure to Exotic Zoo as part of our learning for Science week!

Our topic in Spring 1 was Traditional tales. We have been learning about the wonderful stories of Red Riding Hood, The three little pigs, Goldilocks and the three bears, The Gingerbread man and Three Billy Goats gruff. We have taken part in lots of exciting learning activities including practising our sewing skills to make our own bookmarks, writing instructions for making honey sandwiches and then using them to make sandwiches and enjoy a teddy bears picnic and exploring magic potions.


We enjoy Forest school on a Wednesday every week. We are currently working towards our Bronze wild award from the RSPB. We have been taking care of the environment such as litter picking, creating bird feeders, bug houses and bird spotting. We love exploring our woodland area and having fires and hot chocolate.


PE will continue to be on a Monday each week. This term we are practising our ball skills.

Useful websites

Here are some useful websites that you may wish to use at home to support EYFS learning:– this website has some wonderful free e-books that you can use with your child as well as guidance on Floppy phonics which is our school phonics scheme. Please let us know if your login is not working. website has fun and interactive phonics games to play. this site has fun maths and literacy games to play. -fantastic outdoor learning ideas. games and activities for EYFS children. activities around the 7 areas of learning in EYFS.





Class Showcase
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Fire engine visit-16.10.24
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African drumming-8.10.24
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Autumn snow globes-2.10.24

Class Showcase Open this to see some of the work we've been doing.

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Fire engine visit-16.10.24
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African drumming-8.10.24
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Autumn snow globes-2.10.24
See more Showcase Items

Class Apps Open this to link to lots of the Apps we use in school.